Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Family History, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles - Schine family


Connecticut motor vehicle register (Volume 1915:May/June-Aug.) :

2423 ■■ Oldsmobile 60637, .'07, 1000 lbs. Julius Schine, 697 Pemborke St., Bridgeport

Connecticut motor vehicle register (Volume 1918):

8245 Rco Com F '17 13040 Julius Schine, 545 Huntington rd., Bridgeport

 Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people sitting, people standing, child and outdoor

Across the top Helen, Annie, Samuel
Bottom row: Nathan, Florence, Beatrice

An unbelievably comprehensive interactive Schine family chart is available by e-mailing

Connecticut motor vehicle register (Volume 1915:May/June-Aug.) :

2423 ■■ Oldsmobile 60637, .'07, 1000 lbs. Julius Schine, 697 Pemborke St., Bridgeport

Connecticut motor vehicle register (Volume 1918):

8245 Rco Com F '17 13040 Julius Schine, 545 Huntington rd., Bridgeport

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

Top photo

Across the top: Lawrence, Gerald, Sam, Marion, Natie, Norris, Joe Gold
Bottom row: Susan, Ethel, Judy, Helen, Cookie, Me

Bottom photo w/o repeats:
Across the top Ralph Kantrowitz, Florence, Eugene Marks, Sam
Bottom row: Beatrice, Deborah, Miriam, David

Helen, Josh, Matthew, Penny, Cookie, Deb, Me:

Helen, Josh, Matthew, Penny, Cookie, Deb, me

Natie and Marion

Audrey and Sam Marks, Beatrice, Deb, Florence, Miriam Marks Steinert

Deb's wedding

Our wedding

 Billie's wedding:

Bethany's Bas Mitzvah

Rick's  Bar Mitzvah

Bethany's Wedding
Image may contain: 17 people, including Matt Kantrowitz, Jonathan Kantrowitz and Jason Kutz, people smiling

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