Thursday, November 21, 2019

Extended family - Kantrowitz

 Dad, Me Cele, Richard Israel

Me, Judy Israel, Danny Kantrowitz

Albert, Mattie, Norman

Albert was my father's uncle, although they were the same age. Albert was the youngest of 6 children.(Samuel was the oldest - In fact my father once told me that he (my father) was the oldest son of the oldest son for 7 generations,and he was regarded having special powers because of that.

Seated Joe Juliano, standing Jacob Benesch.

 Norman and Freddy Kantrowitz

Image may contain: 8 people, including Paul Kantrowitz, Kenny Poser and Norman Kantrowitz, people smiling

From left to right, Jacob Kantrowitz, Rachel Kantrowitz, Jessica Kantrowitz (children of Lainie and Paul Kantrowitz) Kenny Poser(son of Lisa Kantrowitz and Steven Poser), Norman Kantrowitz , beloved grandpa of all pictured here, Max Meyers, (son of Susan Kantrowitz and Mark Meyers), Alana Poser(daughter of Lisa Kantrowitz and Steven Poser) and Jack Meyers(son of Susan Kantrowitz and Max Meyers.

1 comment:

  1. A correction in the Kantrowitz family photo from 1914. My father Abraham Kantrowitz is sitting in his grandmother Cherna's lap. Manny Friedland was not in that photo. These photos are treasures.
